The job was assigned to us by the biggest steel factory worldwide Messrs. ARCELOR-MITTAL Spain, basis the corresponding tender of ERGOSE SA for the supply of rails for the construction of the new railway line in Central Greece.
It concerned the full dispatch of 18.500 tons steel rails type 60E1, to the final storage sites of ERGOSE, in three positions, in Tithorea R. Station, also in position between Molos and Lianokladi R. Stations and last in position near the 10th km north of Lianokladi R. Station.
The tender required also the rental and the preparation of the terrain in 10th km north of Lianokladi where 4.000 tons of rails would be deposited.
In particular, our job was to undertake the unloading of the rails from the vessels in port of Stylis that our company proposed, with suitable heavy mobile crane and experienced crane-driver specialist for this type of cargoes.
Also the use of special tools, spreaders of 24 meters in length that share the handling of rails in three points and special grips lifting five rails per lift, all above in our property.
The tallying of the rails and the issue of letters of protests and all correspondence in case of shortage or damage to the cargo was included.
Also, the clearance in port and issue of transport receipts, the inland transportation with special trucks of 36 meters of length and issue of all road licenses and arrangement of traffic police escort that is required in special transports.
In addition, the final depositon of the rails in storage places and all the inventory of each dispatch. Especially for the cargo with final destination the Liankokladi R. Station, due to the site not being accessible by heavy trucks of 40 meters of length, we undertook the rental of neighboring fields and constructed accessible road to achieve the final storage to the Receivers wanted site.
The challenge was big and difficulties were enormous due to the very long distance from the port, up to 80 km over mountainous provincial roads. Also the passage of big trucks through the national road and through narrow streets of the towns of central Greece. Especially national road which at that time was under reconstruction, we were compelled to drive to the opposite current of circulation in many points with the supervising of traffic police and our escorting cars.
The above work was held also very successfully at consent of all sides and we received congratulations of our principals for our professionalism and the very experienced personnel and efficient tools.
It is noteworthy that the work had been budgeted two years before and despite the extensive changes of the roads that were under construction, the uncertain deposition sites that were declared the last days and other factors that it is quite difficult to prejudge we did not exceed the budget in minimal.