One of the most important steel factories specialized in the production of high standard steel rails, the "Luchini SpA - Italy", assigned to us through their Charterers Messrs. "Trailler E. Portugal SA", the unloading from vessels in ports of Alexandroupolis and Thessaloniki of total 11.500 tons of steel rails type UIC-54.
The major quantity of the rails was of 36 meters of length and small part of 18m.
Our job was to carry-out the unloading from vessels in shipments of approximately 2500 tons, by hiring of suitable mobile crane (in Alexandroupolis) and shore crane (in Thessaloniki) and special tools in our property, spreaders of 24 m. and grips lifting 5 rails.
Also, the inland transportation with combination of wagons enables to carry the 36 m. length of rails and special constructed wooden stacking in accordance with the specification of railway Organization. The discharging rate was agreed to 700 tons per day.
Further we had to coordinate the immediate delivery of the rails by the receivers, due to lack of space in ports in order vessels to discharge in the agreed time without delays.
The budget had been drawn successfully ten months before the conduct of work but, despite the difficulties and the inexperience of the stevedores in the above ports as very rarely similar cargoes bound to North Greece, everything was performed smoothly, within the budget to full satisfaction of our principals and all involved parties.